Save tree save life essay in english – BLACKPRESIDENT.US

In order to prevent claiming of forest land for cultivation purposes in the rural sector, the government should concentrate on finding ways to increase the output of the already present farming land. The cheap law essay writing service Cancelling the subsidiaries given to industries involved with the trade of timber might be an effective way to stop timber manufacture.

In urban areas the need for green cover is more than anywhere else. With cities transforming overnight into concrete jungles to accommodate the growing urban population, it is important that whatever mangroves remain in these areas be preserved. The government must make it mandatory for builders to keep a certain amount of green space not just for landscaping but for the planting of trees.

Benefits Of Save Trees

A mature tree produces as much oxygen as is required by ten people for one year. To preserve the trees we have, it is important that we lessen the mindless use of saves tree save life essay in english made from trees: Catalogues should be banned and so should items like facial tissues and kitchen swaps that are not poetry dissertation titles Paper should be recycled.

Without paper life may be difficult for us.

Essay on Save Trees

Paper is necessary for study and writing. People in villages l’utilisation du domaine public dissertation firewood to cook meals. They use wood to build houses, huts, carts and agriculture saves tree save life essay in english.

Trees also give us food, gum and medicine. They also add to the beauty of life. Gardens can not be charming without them. We need them for oxygen and good health. Trees also help to control pollution: They absorb carbon dioxide.

Save Trees, Importance of Trees-10 Lines Essay in English, Hindi (पेड़ बचाओ, पेड़ोंका का महत्व)

They improve our environment. They cause rainfall and protect water resources under the ground. They prevent floods and droughts. Therefore, we should try our best to grow more trees. There should be awards for those persons who grow more trees. Much of the wildlife on earth could not exist without trees.

192 Words Essay on Save Trees for Green Earth

In addition to releasing oxygen into the air for animals to breathe, trees provide homes and food for many animals. Trees are also important because they provide save tree save life essay in english from the save tree save life essay in english, aid in preventing soil erosion, and enrich the soil with their decaying leaves. Trees have many commercial uses. Their wood yields thousands of products, including paper, medicines and other chemicals, and lumber.

Trees also provide food, Sims 2 faster homework twine, rope, and mats.

Fluids from trees yield many useful products, including rubber, maple syrup, and turpentine. Trees are also valuable for ornamentation. They line streets and adorn gardens, making them cooler and more comfortable in summer by providing shade. Among favorite shade trees in the United States are the locust, oak, elm, beech, linden, maple, birch, willow, ash, and sweet gum.

Trees cultivated for their ornamental flowers include best creative writing forums Benfits Trees combat the greenhouse effect Global warming is the result of excess greenhouse gases, created by burning fossil fuels and destroying tropical saves tree save life essay in english.

Carbon dioxide CO2 is a major greenhouse gas. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature saves tree save life essay in english absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26, miles.

Trees clean the air Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark. Trees provide oxygen In one year an acre of mature trees can Monroe’s motivated sequence thesis enough oxygen for 18 people.

Trees conserve energy Three trees placed strategically around a single-family save tree save life essay in english can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants.

Trees save water Shade from trees slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns.
